Fostering with Heart: Meet Homeward Bound’s First Foster Family

Taby Honeyman, Foster for Homeward Bound

“Rescuing these babies and giving them a chance at a great life is the most rewarding part for me.”

At Homeward Bound, we’re fortunate to work with extraordinary individuals who dedicate their time and love to helping animals in need. One such family is Taby Honeyman and her fiancé Nick, our very first foster family. Their passion for animal rescue runs deep, and their dedication inspires us every day.

We asked Taby to share her journey as a foster parent, and her story truly reflects the heart of our mission.

What inspired you to become Homeward Bound’s first foster family?

"I am a huge animal advocate—I always have been. All my animals except one are rescues. When I saw your post on Facebook, I jumped at the opportunity. I have a soft spot for animals, but cats especially.

My fiancé Nick and I have taken in hundreds of animals. We can’t walk by a stray without bringing them in. This has been my passion since I was 18 and on my own. Nick is just like me, and we’ve always had a hard time saying no to animals.

Nick and I used to sneak strays into his dad’s house. His dad would find them and we’d come home to him sleeping with whatever new animal we’d brought in. Steve, Nick’s dad, was just like us—a huge animal lover.

One day, I asked Steve why he never went out to bring animals in, and he laughed and said, ‘I can’t, or I’d be just like you two.’ Steve passed away last December, and now, every time we bring in a new baby, it feels like Steve is guiding them to us, knowing we’ll do everything we can to help them. Giving these babies a chance at a great life is the most rewarding part for me."

How long have you been fostering animals?

"I’ve been rescuing animals since I was 18, and fostering is something Nick and I have done together for years. It’s a big part of our lives."

What does a typical day look like while fostering cats or kittens?

"Our days are a little chaotic, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. When we find a new fur baby to bring in, I set them up in a large dog kennel with fresh water, food, blankets, a bed, and a litter box. This gives them a safe, small space to feel comfortable without being overwhelmed.

I give them a bath right away and get them warm and cozy. I also make a vet appointment to get them vaccinated and ensure they’re healthy. We do slow introductions to us, and once they’re ready, we let them out to explore the house. During this time, we give our other animals a break and let the new baby adjust.

Eventually, we do careful introductions with our other animals, one at a time, and gradually build to group playtime. If a cat struggles to adjust, we give them their own room and space.

Fostering whole litters of kittens is an entirely different adventure. Nick and I take turns bottle-feeding the babies every 1-2 hours, which means no sleep for us! It’s a lot of hard work, mess, and emotion, but when those kittens survive and thrive, it feels like being on top of the world."

What has been the most rewarding part of fostering?

"I love knowing we’re giving these animals a chance at a better life. It’s so rewarding to see them find forever homes and to know we played a part in their journey. Fostering is a constant reminder of how good we have it. Animals humble you in ways you never imagine."

Can you share a memorable moment or story from your time fostering?

"One of my favorite memories is sneaking strays into Nick’s dad’s house and finding him asleep with whatever new animal we’d brought in. That memory sticks with me, and every time we take in a new baby, I think of Steve and how proud he’d be."

A Labor of Love

Fostering animals is not easy, but for Taby and Nick, it’s a labor of love. From the late nights bottle-feeding kittens to the slow, thoughtful introductions with their other pets, they dedicate their time and hearts to giving every animal the best possible start.

Taby’s passion for rescuing and fostering animals reminds us why we do what we do at Homeward Bound. Families like hers make our mission possible, and we’re so grateful to have them as part of our team.

If you’re interested in becoming a foster family like Taby and Nick, reach out to us today! Together, we can give more animals the second chances they deserve.


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