Caring for Bern’s Feral Cats: A Community Caregiver’s Story

Meet Erynne Elms, a dedicated community cat caregiver in Bern, Kansas. For the past 10 years, she and her husband, Marty, have called Bern home, and over time, she has become a guardian for the town’s many stray and feral cats.

“I love all creatures. There is an abundance of cats in Bern, and I can’t help but care for the ones in need that come to us.”


The Challenges of Winter Care

Caring for outdoor cats isn’t always easy, especially in harsh weather. This past winter was particularly difficult, as Erynne worked to keep ferals and strays warm and fed during freezing temperatures.

“This winter was a challenge. Trying to keep ferals and strays warm and fed is difficult. I’m glad warmer days are here!”

With spring arriving, she can finally breathe a little easier, knowing the cats will be more comfortable.

A few of Erynne’s colony cats patiently waiting for their next meal.

TNR is the ONLY solution to controlling the cat population. We as humans have dominion and a responsibility to all creatures. Cats are a gift! We need to love and care for them properly.”

By spaying and neutering, caregivers like Erynne prevent future generations of kittens from struggling to survive outdoors.

How Homeward Bound Helps

Programs like Homeward Bound have been a huge support in Erynne’s caregiving journey. Through the program, she has been able to spay/neuter and mark her colony cats, ensuring they are identified and cared for properly.

Why TNR Matters

For Erynne, Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is essential to managing the stray and feral cat population humanely. She firmly believes that TNR is the only solution, not just for population control, but for ensuring cats live healthier lives.

“Homeward Bound is a fabulous program! It has helped me spay/neuter and mark my colony cats”


By assisting caregivers like Erynne, Homeward Bound is helping to reduce the number of homeless cats in Nemaha County and beyond.

Every Cat is Special

With so many cats under her care, it would be impossible to pick a favorite. Each one is unique, with their own quirks, personalities, and charm.

“I love all of the cats in my colony!!! I could not pick a favorite. They are all so different, each one with a unique personality!”

Erynne’s passion for helping stray and feral cats embodies the spirit of community caregiving. Thanks to people like her, these cats have a safe and stable life, and with TNR efforts, future generations will have a better chance at survival.

Want to support local TNR efforts? Donate to Homeward Bound or learn how you can help feral cats in your community!


Creating Forever Homes: A Families Journey with Homeward Bound